Thursday, June 23, 2022

OWAN GILBERT AYIONG – Sír. Gilber - Actor/Filmmaker


A handsome nollwood boki director

Owan Gilbert Ayiong also known as Sír. Gilbert is an Avantgarde thespian, writer, and Filmmaker Award-winning hybrid stage and screen director with a surreal sense of storytelling. A Nigerian, inspired by telling true African stories. Creative Director at ZFMoviez Concept and Boki Media Concept. 

Gilbert is known for his unique style of visual storytelling. Owan Gilbert is an award winner of the "Best Visual Storyteller" in Camon 18 short film competition in collaboration with Ebony Life Creative Academy 2021. He has also featured in many movies, Audio podcasts, and TV/Web series.

Gilbert Camon 18 Winner

Full data profile of Nigerian actor, Owan Gilbert Ayiong

Full name 

Owan Gilbert Ayiong

Date of Birth

5 September, 1989



State of Origin

Cross River


Mr. Jacob Owan / late. Mrs. Mercy Ekpang



Marital Status






Gilbert Owan on a movie set

Owan Gilbert’s Childhood and Education

Gilbert is a native of Cross River State in the South-South of Nigeria. He attended the University of Calabar Nigeria, in Cross River State, where he graduated with a degree in Microbiology.

 Gilbert Owan’s Acting Career

As a child, Acting has never been Gilbert's thing cos of his shy nature and being too reserved. While in primary school, he acted his first play "The magic box" Being a shy person he almost peed in his panties, at secondary school, Gilbert acted as a town crier in a play that was directed by one great script writer Mr. Raphael O. Diwa. The play came best in the inter-school drama competition. Since then, Gilbert broke out of his shy nature, His fire was fanned to flames when he joined a theater group "Deux Ex-Machina"  and later on headed the church drama group.

A man sitting on a chair

In 2014 Gilbert Started his theatre group "Zoe Fragrance Moviez" A.K.A ZFMoviez. In Calabar, he organized and host an interdenominational musical and art concert called TEHILA TEPHILA. Where a lot of Testimonies were recorded, "A criminal surrendered his gun and gave his life to Christ, A shattered marriage as restored and many more to mention...

 Gilbert began acting and filmmaking professionally in 2014. When he produced his first film "The Deeds of My Mother" His rise to stardom began after he landed a role in the TV series, "Where are my Helpers" as (Abakus)  Produced by "Deux Ex-Machina" Directed by Moffat Adams & Gilbert Owan.

Award winning Directors

Gilbert Owan's journey and growth in the Nigerian movie industry have been impressive. He has featured in numerous hit movies, including A body To possess, Beyond Pardon, Blood for Diamond, the Pledge, True Crime, June  12 and The list continues...

Asides from acting, Gilbert is also a scriptwriter. He wrote the movie The Deeds Of my Mother, Ship of dreams, Calm in Marital storm, and lots more...

a man standing behind a camera

Owan Gilbert Directing/Producing

Aside from acting, and script writing, Sír. Gilbert also loves Teaching and grooming other actors, helping them commit to a character. He has produced and mentored a lot of young actors in the industry. As time flies, He has also produced The following Movies – Ship of Dreams, Amana Mba, Beyond Pardon, Freedom By Blood, Bloodline, Zara, Foolish Love, The possessed, and other short films

Gilbert Owan's movies/TV series

·         Deeds Of My Mother (2014)

·         Ship Of Dreams (2018)

·         Freedom By Blood (2020)

·         Beyond Pardon (2020)

·         Hear from Both sides (2021)

·         Drug Abuse (2021)

·         Amana Mba (2020)

·         Bloodline (2021)

·         Zara (2021)

·         Foolish Love  (2022)

·          The possessed (2022)

The List still counting


Owan Gilbert's marriage and girlfriend

Owan Gilbert is not yet married and has not mentioned he has a girlfriend.

Follow Gilbert on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

Owan Gilbert is active on social media.

 Instagram:     @prince.gilbert1  or  @zfmoviez

Facebook:       Sir. Gilbert

 Twitter:           @gilablue4real

Owan Gilbert on Wikipedia

Owan Gilbert does not have a personal Wikipedia page yet.

Other interesting facts to know about Nigerian Actor, Director, and Producer Owan Gilbert

Tecno Camon 18 film Award winners

Asides from acting and filmmaking, Owan Gilbert is also an entrepreneur and the CEO of ZFMoviez a company that produces Movies, Computer training, installations, maintenance, and repairs.


Contact Email:,





  1. Gilbert owan is a teacher, mentor and guide, who knows how to transform things he touches into gold.

    His passion for movies is unexplainable alongside his zeal for grooming young talents.

    When one talks of the Future of film Gilbert owan will top the list

  2. Gilbert Owan is an intelligent man, very hardworking, and disciplined, His passion for his career is captivating.. and he has all the qualities required to be a great star in the film making industry.

  3. Gilbert Owan is indeed a talented young man, he is very devoted to his Work, he inspires the young generation positively and is a very good scriptwriter/producer/director

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Gilbert Owan is a good filmermaker, with a creative style of story telling, He is a young man that can for far in his career.

  6. Gilbert Owan is a very talented young man, it is only someone of his type that is qualified for a high seat.

  7. Gilbert Owan is good to go...his rising up is a proof that he can go far. He is an excellent man in his career.

  8. I love his works; Gilbert Owan Is a great film maker who has impacted so many lives with his rich teachings and kind gestures. I recommend him to anyone when it comes to film making cos he settles for nothing than the best...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


  10. Gilbert Owan is a talented young man that has this passion for his career, he assure a standard and quality outcome in every services he renders.


OWAN GILBERT AYIONG – Sír. Gilber - Actor/Filmmaker

  Actor/Filmmaker Owan Gilbert Ayiong also known as Sír. Gilbert is an Avantgarde thespian, writer, and Filmmaker Award-winning hybrid st...